Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Back Blogging

I have taken a leave of absence from the blog for a while because of lack of time.  I have been busy with lots of things here like work, travel and even a (small) motorbike accident. I will have pictures and posts covering my time from the highlands to the beaches, the north to the south of Vietnam, and from the large cities to the small ones that are not in any guidebooks.

I have had some issues with my laptop again and as I am working on correcting those I will also try to clean up some pictures so I can get them posted here quickly.  Thanks for your patience. See you soon.


  1. Definitely looking forward to it!

  2. Have you ever thought about your moral duties? I know the answer of most of the people. The answer is NO!!!. But as a Human we do have some duty to the Neglected people in our earth. Who are they? They are our kids..Yes..i am talking about Orphan kids Lets do something for them. Please visit:

    1. Hostile non sequitur. Flies with sugar and vinegar and all that


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